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Part 2 - German books

The list of books hereafter comprises 10 books published on the corkscrews. To select it read the summary placed under the covers of the book.
Good luck, and good reading!

Note: These pages are largely inspired by the bookshop of the Canadian website CorkscrewNet


Heinz ten Doornkaat's Book is in German, unfortunately. A nice effort that adds some appreciation to the German collecting community. The book is not too deep technically, well illustrated, but not too useful to the English speaking collector. Published as an Ellert & Richter Album.

Deutscher Gebrauchsmusterschutz fur Korkenzieher
Klaus Pumpenmeier's Book is in German and is the most extensive book on German patents. Pumpenmeier is a serious researcher and knows his German corkscrews. The book is in very limited edition, so it will be hard to get. Filled with patent information, many colour photos and other good stuff.


Mannfred Heckmann's book was one of the very early efforts in writing a book about corkscrews. He is/was (he sold his collection in 1998 at a Christie's auction) a corkscrew dealer in Berlin, the book is in German, unfortunately. Not a well researched book and is useful only as a historical piece in the quest for corkscrew information. He did add a nice touch by including a small T type corkscrew on a string as a book mark. Out of print, but some copies are still available from the author. Fasanen Edition, 1979, Drydens Printers Ltd., London

Commemorative Book for the 1990 ICCA AGM, Zurich Part
written in German and was available at the exhibition which actually lasted from August 31 to October 28, 1990. Out of print.


This corkscrew book was written by Horst Dippel but the corkscrew illustrations are from Heinz ten Doornkaat's collection. The book is in German and is a small pocket book format. Appeared in 1997, ISBN 3-89234-764-6. Probably still available.

Pronged Cork Removers

a book in German by Reinhold Berndt. In this he substantially expanded the coverage on pronged cork removers. Almost 160 pages of colour photos and hundreds of pieces. Available form the author
R. Berndt

Chronik der Korkenzieherproduktion von 1864 bis 2003
A history of the SIEGER company's corkscrew production from 1864 to 2003. Colour used well throughout, written in German. Available from the author.

Book on pronged cork removers

authored by Reinhold Berndt, Engelsbach, Germany. The 18 pages have colour photos of pronged cork removers. The book may be available as a loose leaf effort from the author.

German Corkscrew Patents 1877 - 1956

Wolfgang Handel's Book is an early effort on collecting German Patent information. The good thing about this one is that the entire patent documents are included, but in German. It is out print now and has been superseded by several new books by other German Collectors.

This book of Bernard Mr. Watney and Homer D. Baddige, published in Germany in 1986 is obviously the first bible of the collectors of corkscrews. It inspired by many initial collectors has to continue their passion. My book is so worn that there for a long time does not have any more the jacket Même if this book moderate and is sometimes described in better a way by other authors, he remains traditional which should not miss in your library.
ISBN 3-7165-0544-7

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